Iyengar Yoga Competition at Dnyandeep Balakashram
DIGHI – PUNE ON 26th & 27TH DEC 2020
SOSVA & SKMH have begun the first phase of yoga competitions across all the children’s homes. The first place in the segment of the Iyengar Yoga competition where the 35 children of Dnyandeep Balakashram, Dighi-Pune. The children were distributed into 3 categories based on their age. The selection round was held on Saturday, 26th Dec 2020. The children were judged on their performance in the 3 asanas given by their trainers. The final competition was held on Sunday, 27th Dec 2020 and was judged by Mr. Virendra Naik. 17 children performed on this day. The children were evaluated on one asana of their choice and three given by Mr. Naik. There were also oral questions.
Children showcased complicated asanas such as Yoganidrasan, Bakasan, Bhujaipidasan, Akarna-Dhanurasan, Ekpaad-Rajakapotasan, Raajkapotasan, Padma-Mayurasan, Padmasan in Shirsasan, Garudasan, Vishwamitrasan, split legs in Shirsasan, Kurmasan, Vatayanasan and many more.
The judge challenged the children by asking them to demonstrate asanas based on nature (animals, birds), back bend, on one leg, on two hands, twisted, names of rishis, etc. He asked several questions to check the knowledge in yoga such as precautions while doing shirsasan, hand position in sarvangasan, parts of the body touching the ground in chaturanga-dandasan, meanings of the names of asanas and so on.
Guests who graced the competition online were Mr. Cusrow Poonawala, Mr. Virendra Naik and Mrs. Radha Vedantam. Also both trainers Mr. Shrikrishna Shewale & Mr. Swapnil Bellad were present online.
The competiton was tough and more medals than estimated were given away.
Competition Winners