Children pay tribute to Guruji BKS Iyengar by performing yoga asanas

In remembrance of Guruji BKS Iyengar on his 104th birth anniversary, children from seven orphanages
across Pune participated in a yoga performance held on 18th December, 2022 where they exhibited
different asanas and also recited Patanjali Yoga sutras, a collection of Sanskrit sutras (aphorisms) on
the theory and practice of yoga written by sage Patanjali in India in the early centuries. And the cherry
on the cake was that this performance was judged by Guruji’s daughter Sunitaji.
“What can be a better tribute to Guruji BKS Iyengar on his 104th birth anniversary than having these
children perform yoga asanas and reciting yoga sutras,” said Sunitatai reiterating her father’s quote –
“Yoga is like music: the rhythm of the body, the melody of the mind and the harmony of the soul
together create the symphony of life.”
She applauded the children from seven orphanages all located in Pune – Dnyandeep Balgruha in Dighi,
SOS Children’s Villages of India Girls Faculty in Ganeshkhind, Shantiwan Orphanage in Navipeth,
Saraswati Anath Shikshan Ashram in Dapodi, Nilankar Balgram in Hadapsar, Annpurna Ashram in
Alandi and Matruchaya Balakashram in Dighi for their dedication and concentration while performing
the yoga asanas.
Sab Ka Mangal Ho (SKMH) Foundation, a non-profit foundation in Mumbai, since 2016, has been
working towards transforming lives of children from various orphanages. It believes that only through
yoga intervention children can be trained to grow up to become responsible citizens. SKMH partnered
with Society for Service to Voluntary Agencies (SOSVA), a support service organization that focuses
on building capacities of voluntary organizations working in diverse fields of social sectors to enable
them to play a more sustainable and effective role in sectors of socio-economic development in the
service of the under-privileged section of the community. Both SKMH and SOSVA identified
orphanages working for boys and girls and began imparting yoga training to the children for
transforming their lives positively and to help enhance their physical ability and also to bring about a
sense of confidence, delight and contentment in them.
Sunitaji was happy that yoga has transformed the lives of children from these orphanages and said
that “Yoga is for everyone. It’s deep breathing technique coupled with simple poses helps gain good
health and mental peace. I am glad that the trainers at these orphanages have worked hard to not
just train the children but also helped them transform their lives positively.”